Urinary retention refers to a condition in which a person is unable to empty the urinary bladder either partially or completely. There are two forms of urinary retention — Acute and Chronic.
Acute urinary retention happens when you feel like you need to urinate badly but you can’t go at all. This causes a lot of pain and discomfort in your lower abdomen. It happens so suddenly and it is a medical emergency that needs to be addressed immediately because it can become life-threatening.
Chronic urinary retention appears over a long period of time. In this condition a person is able to urinate but the bladder doesn’t empty completely.
Reasons for Retention of Urine
The cause behind retention of urine may be either obstructive or non-obstructive.
• Obstructive retention includes prostate enlargement in men, prostate cancer, kidney/bladder stones, urethral stricture, cystocele or rectocele, certain tumours in the pelvis, severe constipation, severely inflamed urethra.
• Non-obstructive causes of urinary retention include injury to the brain or spinal cord, stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, pelvic injury, weak bladder muscles, certain medicines that make the internal urinary sphincter contract. The medicine includes antihistamines, few anti psychotics and medicines used to treat urinary incontinence.
Natural Remedies for Urinary Retention
Homeopathic medicines play a super effective role in the treatment of urinary suppression and retention of acute and chronic cases. Homeopathic medicines for urinary retention issues are selected based on individuall characteristic symptoms profile. The top grade medicines for treating urinary retention are Clematis, Conium, Nux vomica, Opium, Stramonium, Cantharis, Sabal serrulata, Lycopodium, Cannabis sativa, Pareira brava, Chimaphila to mention a few.
Urinary retention is a painful and potentially life-threatening condition. While there are remedies for its treatment there is need to discuss your options with your health care provider for a more effective outcome. Please do not engage in self medication.
By Homeopath Oluwafunmise