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Lower Back Pain

Lower Back Pain

The low back is the area behind the belly from the rib cage to the pelvis and is also called the lumbar region.

Pain in the low back can be a result of conditions affecting the bony lumbar spine, intervertebral discs (discs between the vertebrae), ligaments around the spine and discs, spinal cord and nerves, muscles of the low back, internal organs of the pelvis and abdomen, and the skin covering the lumbar area.

What Can Cause Lower Back Pain?

It usually develops due to overuse or a minor injury, but sometimes there may be no obvious cause. Lower back pain can also be a symptom of an underlying medical condition.
In this article, we look at some of the possible causes of lower back pain and their herbal or homeopathic treatments.

• Sprains and Strains
A sprain occurs when a person overstretches or tears a ligament, while doing the same to a tendon or muscle causes a strain.
Back sprains and strains can result from overuse, sports injuries, twisting awkwardly, or lifting something too heavy or improperly.

Treatment; Ruta graveolens soothes the nerves and helps heal sprain or strain at its source.

• Injuries
This can be in form of vertebral fractures and herniated or ruptured discs. Possible causes of this can include falls, motor vehicle accidents, and sports injuries. Back pain usually occurs almost immediately after the injury.

Treatment; treatment options will depend on the type and severity of the injury.
A person may be able to treat minor injuries at home with rest, ice, gentle stretching and with herb like Uraria picta; very effective for fracture and associated pain.

• Slip Disc/Herniated Disc; A herniated disk can cause extreme pain in your lower back, difficulty in walking or bending, muscles spasms etc

Treatment; a consistent use of Night Jasmine will resolve the case.

• Infections
The spine and surrounding tissues can sometimes become infected with harmful bacteria, viruses, or fungi. An example of spinal infection is vertebral osteomyelitis.

Treatment; some of the herbs for bone infections are Goldenseal, Echinacea, Winged treebine etc

• Sciatica
Sciatica causes sharp back pain that radiates through the buttocks and down into the legs.

Treatment; A person can often treat this at home with rest, ice, and with herbs like St John’s Wort, Rue, Mullein etc

• Scoliosis
This a sideways curvature of the spine that can cause uneven shoulders and hips.

Treatment; treatment depends on the extent of the curvature and the person’s age and homeopathic medicine like Verbascum thapsus has proven to be highly effective.

• Other causes
Lower back pain can sometimes also be a symptom of conditions that do not relate directly to the back, we call this pain, “referred pain”. Some other possible causes of lower back pain can include abdominal aortic aneurysm, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, uterine fibriods, fibromyalgia, kidney stones, pregnancy etc

People with lower back pain should seek immediate medical attention if they also have any of the following symptoms:
• difficulty walking or moving the legs
• loss of bowel or bladder function
• loss of sensation in the legs
• very severe pain

To help identify potential causes of lower back pain and recommend appropriate treatment or herbal supplements, contact the Clinical Herbalist, Oluwafunmise on 08028366901 or 08183554665. Or join us on


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