he little glands along the back of the toad’s neck, when squeezed with forceps, ooze a secretion which is soluble in alcohol and has been proved, this is the subject we will now consider. Bufo satyhienis is the one I use in practice. Bufo is a wonderful medicine, it profoundly affects the mind and especially […]
Every medicine has a sphere of action, a peculiar nature whereby it differs from all other medicines, and hence it becomes suitable to complaints of one class and not suitable to those of another. It is like the nature of human beings, as they differ from each other, and also like the nature of diseases, […]
Bromium is one of the routine medicines. It is one of the medicines that the neophyte will make use of for every case of diphtheria and croup, and laryngitis he comes across; and when it does not work he will “try something else.” All who prescribe on the name use Bromium as one of their […]
Borax is one of those domestic remedies that has been long used for local conditions as a soothing substance and for a healing purpose. In “nursing sore mouth” of mother or child Borax has been used in the families of old, in the form of Borax and honey, as a wash. The extensive use that […]
When we have finished the study of Berberis we will see that it is not a very extensive remedy, but it is a very important one. Like BENZOIC ACID, it fits into the gouty and rheumatic sphere. It corresponds to such gouty conditions as do not determine to their proper places. A low state of the […]
Whenever we see in the nature of a remedy a well-defined state and condition of the human system pointed out by certain distinctive groups of symptoms we may know that there is such a DISEASED state in the human family. They have not the power to create by themselves any diseased state except there is first such […]
Belladonna is a remedy that takes hold of the system with great violence. It is especially suitable to plethoric, vigorous individuals and intellectual people. Brainy people have complaints coming on suddenly, providing they are in a substantial state of health, and are reasonably plethoric and vascular. The complaints of Belladonna come on suddenly, run a […]
This is one of our deep acting constitutional remedies and one much neglected. It was much used by the earlier men in our school with great effect. In mental weakness, insanity, enlarged glands and sexual excitement we have a group of symptoms hard to cure without Baryta muriatica. Add to this profound increasing muscular weakness […]
Barium Iodatum
Complaints come on in the morning; afternoon; evening; night; after midnight; strong desire for open air; better in open air; better in cold air. Takes cold easily; worse in cold, wet weather. Congestion of many parts. Convulsive action of muscles. Feels worse before eating and when fasting; worse after eating; some symptoms are better after […]
Baryta carbonica is an interesting study, because it is fully proved and a constitutional remedy. Such remedies are always more interesting than the short-acting, superficial ones. They take hold in deep-seated, long-lasting, miasmatic troubles. This remedy looks towards the development of the young. You will see in the text commonly expressed under this medicine, “dwarfishness.” […]