
Chelidonium is a remedy more suitable for acute diseases, though it cures certain chronic conditions. It is not a very deep acting remedy. It is about like BRYONIA in its general plane, length and depth of action. It has been used principally in gastric and intestinal catarrhs, in acute and semi-chronic liver troubles, and in right-sided pneumonia. […]


Causticum is a very searching medicine, suitable in old, broken down constitutions, suffering from chronic diseases. Only occasionally is it indicated in acute diseases. Its complaints are such as are progressive, slow, and accompanying a declining state of the economy. Gradual decrease of muscular power, a paralysis. Paralysis of the oesophagus, paralysis of the throat, […]


Weakness in the reproductive system of the woman. From weakness she is sterile, or she aborts in the early months of gestation. During parturition the contractions of the uterus are too feeble to expel the contents, and they are only tormenting. Labor-like pains during menstruation with drawing pains in the thighs and legs, and even […]


This is one of the most important liver remedies, if a homeopathic author can be excused for the expression. There are many pains, pressing, dragging, drawing, burning; worse from motion. The patient is very sensitive to cold, and is subject to attacks of bilious vomiting at regular or irregular intervals. The author has cured many […]


The complaints and symptoms, of Carbon bisulphide are worse in the MORNING, forenoon, afternoon, EVENING, NIGHT, before midnight. It is a remedy of great depth of action, frequently indicated and long neglected. STRONG DESIRE FOR OPEN AIR AND THE OPEN WINDOW; better IN THE OPEN AIR but worse from a draft. It is our most useful remedy in patients broken […]


We will take up the study of Vegetable Charcoal — Carbo veg. It is a comparatively inert substance made medicinal and powerful, and converted into a great healing agent, by grinding it fine enough. By dividing it sufficiently, it becomes similar to the nature of sickness and cures folks. The Old School use it in […]


Carbo animalis is one of the deep-acting, long-acting medicines. Suitable in complaints that come on insidiously, that develop slowly, that become chronic and often malignant in character. Complaints in anaemic, broken down constitutions. Vascular conditions. The CARBONS affect the veins more or less, relaxing, paralyzing. This one has its own peculiar feature of infiltrating little veins. Just […]


Most of the substances that are used on the table as seasoning in foods will in the course of a generation or two be very useful medicines, because people poison themselves with these substances, tea, coffee, pepper, and these poisonous effects in the parents cause in the children a predisposition to disease, which is similar […]


The most important feature of this medicine is the inflammatory condition, and the most important characteristic in the inflammation is the rapidity with which it develops into a gangrenous state. Inflammatory conditions usually follow a definite course for days, but when this medicine is put upon a part or taken internally the inflammatory state terminates […]