Justicia Adhatoda Basaka
(An Indian Shrub, Singhee)Highly efficacious medicine for acute catarrhal conditions of the respiratory tract (used in the beginning). HEAD Irritable, sensitive to external impressions; hot, full and heavy head; lachrymation, with CORYZA, PROFUSE, fluent, with constant sneezing; loss of smell and taste;CORYZA WITH COUGH.Throat.Dry, pain during empty swallowing, tenacious mucus. Mouth dry. RESPIRATORY Dry cough from […]
(Juniper Berries)Catarrhal inflammation of kidneys. Dropsy, with suppression of urine. Old persons, with poor digestion and scanty secretion of urine. Chronic pyelitis. URINARY Strangury; bloody, scanty urine, violet odor. (TEREB.) Weight in kidney region. Prostatic discharge. Renal hyperemia. (EUCALYPTOL.) RESPIRATORY Cough with scanty, loaded urine. RELATIONSHIP Compare: SABINA; JUNIPERUS VIRGINIANUS– Red Cedar-(Violent tenesmus vesical. Persistent dragging […]
(Walnut)Skin eruptions are prominent. HEAD Confused; feels as if head were floating in air. OSCIPITAL SHARP PAIN. STYES. FEMALE Menses early, black, pitch-like coagula. Abdomen distended. SKIN Comedones and acne of the face. Crusta lactea, with soreness around ears. Itching and eruptions of small red pustules. Scalp red, and itches violently at night. Chancrelike ulcer. Axillary […]
(Butternut)A faulty elimination that produces jaundice and various skin eruptions, is pictured by this drug. The sharp, OCCIPITAL HEADACHE, usually associated with liver disturbances, is very characteristic. Pain in chest, axillae and scapula, with suffocative sensation. Feeling as if all internal organs were too large, especially those of left side. Cholelithiasis. HEAD Dull, full head. Eruption […]
(Purging Nut)Of value in cholera and diarrhoea. The abdominal symptoms are most important. Suppressed measles (H. Farrington). STOMACH Hiccough, followed by copious vomiting. Nausea and vomiting, brought on by drinking, with acrid feeling from throat. Great thirst. VERY EASY VOMITING. Heat and burning in stomach, with crampy, constrictive pain in epigastrium. ABDOMEN Distended, with gurgling noises. […]