
(Beechwood Kreosote)Kreosotum is a mixture of phenols obtained from this distillation.Pulsations all over the body, and profuse bleeding from small wounds. Very severe, old neuralgic affections; pains rather aggravated by rest. EXCORIATING, burning, and offensive discharges. Haemorrhages, ulcerations, cancerous affections. Rapid decomposition of fluids and secretions, and burning pains. Overgrown, poorly developed children. Post-climacteric diseases. Tumefaction, […]

Kousso Brayera

(Hagenia Abyssinica)A VERMIFUGE-Nausea and vomiting, vertigo, precordial anxiety slowing and irregular pulse, subdelirium and collapse. Rapid and extreme prostration. To expel tape-worm. RELATIONSHIP Compare: MALLOTUS-Kamala-An efficient remedy for tape-worm in 30-60 minims of tincture taken in cinnamon water.


(Mountain Laurel)A rheumatic remedy. Pains shift rapidly. Nausea and slow pulse frequently accompanying. Has also a prominent action en the heart. In small doses, it accelerates the heart’s action; in larger it moderates it greatly. Neuralgia; PAINS SHOOT DOWN-IS ARDS, WITH NUMBNESS. FULGURATING PAINS OF LOCOMOTOR ATAXIA. Protracted and continuous FEVERS, with tympanites. Paralyticsensations; pains and achings […]


(Silicate of Potash)A deep-acting remedy. Lassitude is very marked. Desire to lie down all the time. Emaciation. HEAD Absent-minded, anxious, indolent, timid. Feeble will power. Head congested, blood surges from body to head. Vertigo, coldness of head; photophobia. Nasal catarrh, discharge BLOODY, excoriating, offensive nose, swollen, ulcerated.Gastric.Weight in stomach after eating, nausea, pain, flatulence. Pain in […]


(Phosphate of Potassium) One of the greatest nerve remedies. PROSTRATION. Weak and tired. Especially adapted to the young. Marked disturbance of the sympathetic nervous system. Conditions arising from WANT OF NERVE POWER, neurasthenia, mental and physical depression, are wonderfully improved by this remedy. The causes are usually excitement, overwork and worry. Besides, IT CORRESPONDS TO STATES OF ADYNAMIA […]


(Permanganate of Potassium)Intense irritation of nose, throat, and larynx. Diphtheria. Dysmenorrhoea. Bites of serpents and for other animal poisons. Septic conditions; tissues infiltrated with tendency to sloughing. RESPIRATORY Bleeding from nose. Nasal discharge. Smarts and irritates. Constrictive, smarting sensation in throat. Larynx feels raw. Short, hacking cough.Throat.Swollen and painful. Everything hawked up streaked with blood. […]


NITRUM (Nitrate of Potassium-Saltpeter)Oiten indicated in asthma, also valuable in cardiac asthma; of g:eat value in SUDDEN DROPSICAL SWELLINGS OVER THE WHOLE BODY. Gastro-intestinal inflammation, with much debility, and relapse in phthisis, call for this remedy. Suppurative nephritis. HEAD Scalp very sensitive. Headache, with vertigo, as if falling to right side and backwards; worse, stooping. Ennui. EYES […]


Chloride of Potassium-(K. CI.)Although not proven, this remedy has a wide clinical use, through its introduction by Schuessler. It certainly is of great value in catarrhal affections, in sub-acute inflammatory states, fibrinous exudations, and glandular swellings. WHITE OR GRAY COATING OF BASE OF TONGUE, and expectoration of thick, white phlegm, seem to be special guiding symptoms. Bursitis […]


(Potassium Cyanide)Sudden sinking sensation. Cancer of tongue and agonizing neuralgia have been benefitted by this drug. Sick headache; sciatica; epilepsy. TONGUE Ulcer of tongue, with indurated edges. Speech difficult. Power of speech lost but intelligence intact. FACE Severe neuralgia in temporal region, recurring daily at same hour. Pain in orbital and supra-maxillary region, with screaming […]


(Carbonate of Potassium)The weakness characteristic of all Potassium Salts is seen especially in this, with soft pulse, coldness, general depression, and very characteristic STITCHES, which may be felt in any part of the body, or in connection with any affection. All Kali pains are SHARP AND CUTTING; nearly all better by motion. Never use any Salts of […]