Nux vomica

MIND Very IRRITABLE; sensitive to all impressions. Ugly, malicious. CANNOT BEAR NOISES, ODORS, LIGHT, etc. Does not want to be touched. Time passes too slowly. Even the least ailment affects her greatly. Disposed to reproach others. SULLEN, FAULTFINDING. HEAD Headache in occiput or over eyes, with VERTIGO; brain feels turning in a circle. Oversensitiveness. VERTIGO, WITH MOMENTARY LOSS OF CONSCIOUSNESS. […]

Nux moschata

MIND Changeable; laughing and crying. Confused, impaired memory. Bewildered sense, as in a dream. Thinks she has two heads. HEAD Vertigo when walking in open air; aches from eating a little too much. Feeling of expansion, WITH SLEEPINESS. Pulsating in head. Cracking sensation in head. Sensitive to slightest touch in a draught of air. Bursting headache; BETTER HARD […]

Nitricum acidum

MIND IRRITABLE, hateful, vindictive, headstrong. Hopeless despair. Sensitive to noise, pain, touch, jar. Fear of death. HEAD Sensation of a BAND AROUND HEAD. Headache from pressure of hat; full feeling; worse from street noises. Hair falls out. Scalp sensitive. EARS Difficult hearing; better by riding in carriage or train. VERY SENSITIVE TO NOISE, as the rattle of […]

Natrum sulphuricum

MIND Lively music saddens. Melancholy, with periodical attacks of mania. Suicidal tendency; MUST EXERCISE RESTRAINT. Inability to think. Dislikes to speak, or to be spoken to. HEAD Occipital pain. Piercing stitches in ears. Vertigo; relieved by sweat on head. Bursting feeling on coughing. Hot feeling on top of head. Boring in right temple, preceded by burning […]

Natrum muriaticum

MIND Psychic causes of disease; ill effects of grief, fright, anger, etc. Depressed, particularly in chronic diseases. CONSOLATION AGGRAVATES. Irritable; gets into a passion about trifles. Awkward, hasty. Wants to be alone to cry. Tears with laugnter, HEAD Throbs. BLINDING headache. Aches as if a thousand little hammers were knocking on the brain, in the morning on awakening, AFTER […]

Natrum carbonicum

MIND Unable to think; difficult, slow comprehension. Mental weakness and depression; worries; very sensitive to noise; colds, change of weather. Anxious and restless during thunder storm; worse from music. (AMBRA.) Marked gayety. Sensitive to presence of certain individuals. HEAD Aches from SLIGHTEST MENTAL EXERTION, worse from SUN OR WORKING UNDER GAS-LIGHT. (GLON.) Feels too large. Oversensitive of […]


(A chemical compound from Coal-tar; Tar Camphor)Coryza, hay-fever, phthisis pulmonalis, also gonorrhoea have been influenced favorably by this drug. Pyelonephritis. Irritation of the periphery of the urinary apparatus. Whooping-cough. HEAD Lying as if stupefied by a narcotic. Restless. Face pale yellowish hue. EYES Marked affinity for the eye. It produces detachment of the retina; papillo-retinal […]