Oxalicum acidum

HEAD Sense of heat. Confusion and vertigo. Headache, before and during stool. EYES Severe pain in eyes; feel expanded. HYPERESTHESIA OF RETINA. STOMACH Violent pain in epigastrium discharge of flatus relieves. Gastralgia, pyrosis, sensation of coldness below epigastrium. Burning pain, extending upwards; slightest touch causes excruciating pain. Bitter and sour eructation, worse at night. Cannot eat […]


HEAD Feels as if a band around head. Falling off of hair. (KALI CARB.; FLUOR. AC.) NOSE Coryza, with full feeling in nose. Nose and larynx sensitive to air. Small lumps of phlegm from posterior nares. EYES GLAUCOMA; with iridescent vision. Violent supra- and infra-orbital neuralgia; violent pains and lachrymation. GREEN COLORS SURROUND CANDLE-LIGHT. Conjunctivitis. Increase […]

Ornithogalum umbellatum

STOMACH Tongue coated. Agonizing feeling in chest and stomach, starting from pylorus with flatus that rolls in balla from one side to the other, loss of appetite, phlegmy retchings and loss of flesh. Gastric ulceration even with haemorrhage PAINS INCREASED WHEN FOOD PASSES PYLORIC OUTLET. VOMITING OF COFFEE-GROUND-LOOKING matter. Distention of stomach. Frequent belching of offensive flatus. […]


MIND Patient wants nothing. COMPLETE LOSS OF CONSCIOUSNESS; APOPLECTIC STALE. Frightful fancies, daring, gay, bright. Unable to understand or appreciate his sufferings. Thinks he is not at home. Delirious talking, with wide open eyes. HEAD Vertigo; LIGHTNESS OF HEAD IN OLD PEOPLE. Dull, heavy, stupid. Delirium. Vertigo after fright. Pain in back of head; great weight there. […]


(Ovarian Extract)Suffering following excision of the ovaries. CLIMACTERIC DISTURBANCES generally. Ovarian cysts. Cutaneous disorders and acne rosacea. Prurigo.

Oleum animale

HEAD Tearing pain, with sadness and irritability; worse after dinner; relieved by nibbing. Itching, burning vesicles; better, friction. Malar bones feel pulled forcibly upward. Migrain with polyuria. EYES Smarting in eyes; misty vision. Glistening bodies before eyes. Lachrymation when eating. Short-sighted. Twitching of lids. (AGAR.) NOSE Watery, excoriating discharge; worse in open air. FACE Feels […]


MIND Memory weak; slow perception. Melancholy, with obstinate constipation. HEAD Vertigo and diplopia, when looking down. Vertigo, when looking fixedly at an object, and on rising in bed. Pain in brain, as if head would burst. Numb feeling. Dull, unable to think. Indolence. ERUPTION ON SCALP. Humid, fetid spots BEHIND EARS (GRAPH.; PETROL.) and occiput, with red, rough, […]