URINARY Burning, tingling, from perineum throughout whole urethra; SUDDEN URGING TO URINATE; frequent, voluptuous tickling in fossa navicularis. Gonorrhoea; SUDDEN, IRRESISTIBLE DESIRE TO URINATE; INTENSE BITING, ITCHING, DEEP IN URETHRA; milky discharge. STOMACH Thirsty and hungry, but desire fails on beginning to eat or drink.
MIND Marked aggravation from mental emotions. Loses his way in streets. Thinks he is double, or someone else lying alongside. FEELS THAT DEATH IS NEAR, AND MUST HURRY TO SETTLE AFFAIRS. Irritable, easily offended, vexed at everything. LOW-SPIRITED, WITH DIMNESS OF SIGHT. HEAD Sensitive, AS OF A COLD BREEZE BLOWING ON IT. Feels numb, as if made of wood; OCCIPUT HEAVY, […]
Taken from the glairy and stringy mucus containing the virus of whooping-cough. Introduced by John H. Clarke for the treatment of whooping-cough and other spasmodic coughs.
Passiflora incarnata
HEAD Violent ache as if top of head would come off- eyes felt as if pushed out. STOMACH Leaden, dead feeling after or between meals; flatulence and sour eructations. SLEEP Restless and wakeful, resulting from exhaustion. Especially in the feeble, infants and the aged. Insomnia of infants and the aged, and the mentally worried, and […]
MIND Weeping mood. LOVE OF APPROBATION. Pride; EASILY OFFENDED. Inclined to use violent language. KEEPS UP BRIGHTLY WHEN IN COMPANY, much exhausted afterwards, and pains aggravated. HEAD Feels as if swung backward and forwards. Temporoparietal neuralgia with pain in shoulder. PAIN ACROSS TOP OF HEAD FROM EAR TO EAR; worse after an evening’s entertainment, with irritability and sour eructations. […]
HEAD Rush of blood to head and face. Nervous. Vertigo when moving. Burning in eyes and ringing in ears. RECTUM Biting, ITCHING IN ANUS; orifice swollen. Burning in anus after stool; then internal chilliness. Fistula ani, diarrhoea, with anal burning and internal chilliness. Painful ulcer, oozing offensive moisture on perineum. HAEMORRHOIDS, FISSURES, ULCIRATION OF ANUS AND PERINEUM, […]