Ruta graveolens
Acts upon the periosteum and cartilages, eyes and uterus. Complaints from straining FLEXOR TENDONS especially. Tendency to the formation of deposits in the periosteum, tendons, and about joints, especially wrist. Overstrain of ocular muscles. All parts of the body are painful, AS IF BRUISED. Sprains (after ARNICA). Lameness after sprains. Jaundice. FEELING OF INTENSE LASSITUDE, WEAKNESS AND DESPAIR. Injured “bruised” bones. […]
Ricinus communis
BOFAREIRA (Castor-oil)Has marked action on gastro-intestinal tract. INCREASES THE QUANTITY OF MILK in nursing women. Vomiting and purging. Languor and weakness. HEAD Vertigo, occipital pain, congestive symptoms, buzzing in ears. Face pale, twitching of mouth. STOMACH Anorexia with great thirst, burning in stomach, pyrosis, nausea, PROFUSE VOMITING, pit of stomach sensitive. Mouth dry. ABDOMEN Rumbling with contraction of recti […]
Rhus toxicodendron
The effects on the skin, rheumatic pains, mucous membrane affections, and a typhoid type of fever, make this remedy frequently indicated. Rhus affects fibrous tissue markedly- joints, tendons, sheaths-aponeurosis, etc., producing pains and stiffness. Post-operative complications. TEARING ASUNDER PAINS. Motion always “limbers up” the Rhus patient, and hence he feels better for a time from a […]
(Krameria-Mapato)The rectal symptoms are most important, and have received much clinical confirmation. It has cured pterygium. VIOLENT HICCOUGH. Cracked nipples. (GRAPH.; EUP. AR.)PIN WORMS. HeadBursting in head after stool, and when sitting with head bent forward. Sensation as if scalp from nose to vertex were stretched. StomachPain like knives cutting the stomach. RectumAches, as if full of […]
Black Garden Radish)Produces pain and stitches in liver and spleen. Increases of bile and salivary secretion. Symptoms will not appear if 3alt is used with the Radish. Great accumulation and incarceration of flatulence. “Globus” symptoms. Seborrhoea, with greasy skin. Pemphigus. Hysteria; chilliness in back and arms. Sexual insomnia. (KALI BROM.) Nymphomania. POSTOPERATIVE GAS PAINS. HEAD Sadness, […]
Ranunculus bulbosus
Acts especially upon the muscular tissue and skin, and its most characteristic effects are upon the chest walls, like pleurodynia. BAD EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL; DELIRIUM TREMENS. Spasmodic hiccough. Hydrothorax. Shocks throughout the whole body. Sensitive to air and touch. Chronic sciatica. HEAD Irritable, pains in forehead and eyeballs. Creeping sensation in scalp. Pressing pain in forehead […]
An important addition to the Materia Medica, especially since the provings by Diffenbach have precisionized its use. Radium brom. of 1,800,000 radio-activity was employed. Found effective in the treatment of rheumatism and gout, in skin affections generally, acne rosacea, naevi, moles, ulcers and cancers. Lowered blood pressure.SEVERE ACHING PAINS ALL OVER, with restlessness, better moving […]