(Henbane)Disturbs the nervous system profoundly. It is as if some diabolical force took possession of the brain and prevented its functions. It causes a perfect picture of MANIA OF A QUARRELSOME AND TBSCENE CHARACTER. Inclined to be unseemly and immodest in acts, gestures and expressions. Very talkative, and persists in stripping herself, or uncovering genitals. Is […]
(Indian Pennywort)Curative in disorders that exhibit interstitial inflammation and cellular proliferation in any part. Hypertrophy and induration of connective tissue. Has considerable reputation in LEPROSY and LUPUS, when there is no ulceration. The skin symptoms are very important. Of great use in ulceration of womb. Difficulty in maintaining the upright posture. Very copious perspiration. Pains of cervical cancer. […]
(Golden Seal)Acts especially on mucous membranes, relaxing them and producing a THICK, YELLOWISH, ROPY secretion. The catarrh may be anywhere,-throat, stomach, uterus, urethra,-it is always characterized by this peculiar mucous discharge. Hydrastis is especially active in old, easily-tired people, cachectic individuals, with great debility. Cerebral effects prominent, feels his wits sharpened, head cleared, facile expression. Weak muscular […]
Hepar sulphuris calcareum
(Hahnemann’s Calcium Sulphide)Suits especially scrofulous and lymphatic constitutions who are inclined to have eruptions and glandular swellings. Unhealthy skin. Blondes with sluggish character and weak muscles. GREAT SENSITIVENESS TO ALL IMPRESSIONS. Sweating patient pulling blanket around him. Locally, it has special affinity to the respiratory mucous membrane, producing croupous catarrhal inflammation, profuse secretion; also easy perspiration. […]
Helonias Dioica
CHAMAELIRIUM (Unicorn-root)Sensation of weakness, dragging and weight in the sacrum and pelvis, with great languor and prostration, are excellent indications for this remedy. There is a sensitiveness expressed as a consciousness of a womb. Tired, backachy females. The weakness shows itself also in a tendency to prolapse and other malposition of the womb. The menses are […]
(Gila Monster)The result of the bite is a benumbing paralysis like paralysis agitans or locomotor ataxia. There is no tetanic phase-a condition almost reverse in objective symptoms to Hydrocy. acid or Strychnia. The most unusual action of the drug is notedupon the eye of the mouse. THE EYEBALL BECOMES MORE PROMINENT and the cornea shows opacities. The […]
(Snow-rose)Produces a condition of SENSORIAL DEPRESSION. Sees, hears, tastes imperfectly, and general MUSCULAR WEAKNESS, which may go on to complete paralysis, accompanied by dropsical effusions. Hence, a remedy in low states of vitality and serious disease. Characteristic aggravation from 4 to 8 p.m. (LYCOP.) SINKING SENSATION. State of effusion in hydrocephalus. Mania of a melancholy type. MIND Slow […]
(Lava Scoriae from Mt. Hecla)Marked action upon THE JAWS. Of great use in exostosis, gum abscess, difficult teething. Nodosities, caries of bone, etc. Osteitis, periostitis, osteosarcoma; rachitis. TUMORS in general. Bone necrosis. Necrosis and sinus after mastoid operation. FACE Ulceration of nasal bones. FACIAL NEURALGIA FROM EATIOUS TEETH and after extraction. Toothache, with swelling about jaws. Abscess of gums. ENLARGEMENT OF […]
(Witch-hazel)Venous congestion, haemorrhages, varicose veins, and haemorrhoids, with BRUISED SORENESS OF AFFECTED PARTS, seem to be the special sphere of this remedy. Acts upon the coats of the veins causing relaxation with consequent engorgement. Passive venous haemorrhages from any part. Great value in open, painful wounds, with weakness from loss of blood. After operations, supercedes the […]
(Hedge Hyssop)Acts especially on gastro-intestinal tract. Chronic catarrhal conditions, leucorrhoea and gonorrhoea. Obstinate ulcers. Useful in mental troubles from overweening pride. Especially useful in females. Nux symptoms in females often met by Gratiola. HEAD Sick headache. RUSH OF BLOOD with vanishing of sight. Sensation as if brain was contracting and head became smaller. Tightness in forehead, with […]