Viburnum opulus
A general remedy for cramps. Colicky pains in pelvic organs. Superconscious of internal sexual organs. Female symptoms most important. OFTEN PREVENTS MISCARRIAGE. False labor-pains. Spasmodic and congestive affections, dependent upon ovarian or uterine origin. HEAD Irritable. Vertigo; feels as if falling forward. Severe pain in temporal region. Sore feeling in eyeballs. STOMACH Constant nausea; relieved by […]
Affects the skin and NERVOUS SYSTEM. Nervous depression, weakness and irritation and spasms. Promotes the absorption of blood and allays pain in bruises. Vesicular erysipelas. Passive congestion and intermittent fever. One of the remedies for Poison-oak. EPILEPSY, insomnia, mental exhaustion. In epilepsy, it BRIGHTENS UP THE PATIENT’S MENTAL POWERS and helps the constipation.
Has a pronounced action on the inferior maxillary branch of the fifth pair of the cranial nerves; on the ear; and respiratory tract and bladder. CATARRHS, and colds, WITH PERIODICAL PROSOPALGIA. Quiets nervous, and bronchial, and urinary irritation, and cough. FACE Neuralgia affecting zygoma, temporo maxillary joint, and ear (MENYANTH.), particularly of left side, with lachrymation, coryza, […]
Veratrum album
A perfect picture of COLLAPSE, with EXTREME COLDNESS, BLUENESS, AND WEAKNESS, is offered by this drug. Post-operative shock with cold sweat on forehead, pale face, rapid, feeble pulse. COLD PERSPIRATION ON THE FOREHEAD, with nearly all complaints. VOMITING, PURGING, AND CRAMPS IN EXTREMITIES. The PROFUSE, violent retching and vomiting is most characteristic. Surgical shock. Excessive dryness of all mucous surfaces. […]
Marked skin irritation resembling milk Poison-oak; is sometimes produced by handling the beans, also by local use of vanilla essence in a hair wash. Vanilla is supposed to stimulate the brain and sexual propensities. Do not use the synthetic Vanilla extract. Various disorders of the nervous system and circulation are produced in workers with Vanilla. […]
Hysteria, over-sensitiveness, nervous affections, when apparently well-chosen remedies fail. Hysterical spasms and affections generally. HYSTERICAL FLATULENCY. MIND Changeable disposition. Feels light, as if floating in air. Over-sensitiveness. (STAPH.) Hallucinations at night. IRRITABLE. Tremulous. HEAD Sensation of great coldness. Pressure in forehead. Feeling of intoxication. EARS EARACHE FROM EXPOSURE TO DRAUGHTS AND COLD. Nervous noises. Hyperesthesia.Throat.SENSATION AS IF […]
Uva ursi
Urinary symptoms most important. Cystitis, with bloody urine. Uterine haemorrhage. Chronic vesical irritation, with pain, tenesmus, and catarrhal discharges. BURNING AFTER THE DISCHARGE OF SLIMY URINE. PYELITIS. Calculous inflammation. Dyspnoea, nausea, vomiting, pulse small and irregular. Cyanosis. Urticaria without itching. URINARY Frequent urging, with severe spasms of bladder;burning and tearing pain. Urine contains blood, pus, and […]
Ustilago maydis
Flabby condition of uterus. Haemorrhage. Congestion to various parts, especially at climacteric. Crusta lactea. (VIOIA TRIC) HEAD Very depressed. Full feeling. Nervous headache from menstrual irregularities. Aching in eyeballs, with much lachrymation. MALE Uncontrollable masturbation. Spermatorrhoea, with erotic fancies and amorous dreams. Emissions, with irresistible tendency to masturbation. Dull pain in lumbar region, with great […]
Urtica urens
A remedy for agalactia and LITHIASIS. Profuse discharge from mucous surfaces. Enuresis and urticaria. Spleen affections. ANTIDOTES ILL-EFFECTS OF EATING SHELLFISH. Symptoms return at the same time every year. Gout and uric acid diathesis. Favors elimination.RHEUMATISM ASSOCIATED WITH URTICARIA-LIKE ERUPTIONS. NEURITIS. HEAD Vertigo, headache with spleen pains. ABDOMEN Diarrhoea chronic disease of large intestine characterized by large […]
Tuberculosis. Lumps. Enlarged glands. Renal dropsy, with symptoms of general intoxication. Gouty eczema. Albuminuria, diabetes; uraemia. Urine thin and of low specific gravity. A hydrogogue diuretic in the treatment of dropsies. 10 grains every 6 hours.