Cadmium sulphuricum

Cadmium sulph. has been only partially proved, so that only a limited amount of information can be given concerning it. A medicine may be said to be thoroughly proved when it has left its impress upon all elements of man; when it has affected his memory and his intellect, when it has affected his organs […]


Constrictions, contractions and congestions run through Cactus. Determination of blood to the head, and coldness of the extremities (CALC). Or determination of blood to an organ, the chest, or the heart. There is never an equal circulation of blood in the body; it is spasmodic and irregular. Disturbed by contractions of circular fibres everywhere. When […]

Barium Iodatum

Complaints come on in the morning; afternoon; evening; night; after midnight; strong desire for open air; better in open air; better in cold air. Takes cold easily; worse in cold, wet weather. Congestion of many parts. Convulsive action of muscles. Feels worse before eating and when fasting; worse after eating; some symptoms are better after […]


Baryta carbonica is an interesting study, because it is fully proved and a constitutional remedy. Such remedies are always more interesting than the short-acting, superficial ones. They take hold in deep-seated, long-lasting, miasmatic troubles. This remedy looks towards the development of the young. You will see in the text commonly expressed under this medicine, “dwarfishness.” […]


Baptisia is suitable for acute diseases. It is principally a short-acting medicine, suitable for complaints that are not long lasting. So far as we know it is not an antipsoric, does not go deep into the life. All of its acute diseases and complaints have the appearance of zymosis, like scarlet fever, diphtheria, typhoid, and […]

Aloe Socotrina

Aloe, much like AESCULUS, has a peculiar engorgement of the veins, causing stiffness and fulness throughout the body, but the greatest disturbance is in the veins of the portal system, with great fulness in the region of the liver, and abdominal, rectal and intestinal fulness. This is associated with hemorrhoids. It has abdominal pains that drive […]


Allium cepa is used principally for “colds.” There are various phases of these “colds,” in the nose, in the throat, in the larynx, in the bronchial tubes. The patient and all the phases of his “cold,” his coryza, his laryngitis, his cough, all his complaints, are aggravated by warmth, are worse in a warm room, […]


The most striking things running through this medicine are twitchings and tremblings. Jerkings of the muscles and trembling of the limbs; quivering and tremors, everywhere these two features are present in all parts of the body and limbs. The twitching of the muscles becomes so extensive that it is a well-developed case of chorea. It […]

Aethusa Cynapium

Before Aethusa was known a certain class of cases of cholera infantum, and vomiting and diarrhea in children, all resulted fatally, because there was no remedy that looked like such serious cases. Death is stamped on the face from the beginning, and if there are any remedies in the book that save life this is […]