Has a selective affinity for BLEEDING MUCOUS SURFACES. Tympanites and urinary symptoms very marked. Inflammation of kidneys, with haemorrhages-dark, passive, fetid. Bright’s disease preceded by dropsy (Goullon). Drowsiness and Strang ury. Coma. UNBROKEN CHILBLAINS. HEAD Dull pain like from a band around the head. (CARB. AC.) Vertigo, with vanishing of vision. Disturbed sense of equilibrium. Tired and difficult […]
Marked skin (herpes circinatus), spinal, eye and ear symptoms. Very SENSITIVE BACK. Pains all over body. Offensive discharges. Slow development of symptoms. (RADIUM.) Sacral and sciatic pains. HEAD Neglectful and forgetful. Pain in left side of head and in forehead above left eye. Distortion and twitching of left facial muscles; when speaking left angle of mouth […]
For gastric headaches, bilious attacks, with characteristically mapped tongue and jaundiced skin. Cancer of bladder. Flatulence. HYSTERICAL TYMPANITES. HEAD Sensation of great heat on top of head. STERNO–MASTOID muscle very painful to touch. MOUTH Mapped tongue. Tongue covered with a white film; feels raw; comes off in patches, leaving RED, SENSITIVE SPOTS. Loss of appetite. Bitter taste and eructations. Salivation. […]
Tarentula hispanica
Remarkable nervous phenomena; hysteria with chlorosis; CHOREA, dysmenorrhoea, spinal irritability. Bladder tenesmus. CONSTRICTION sensations. Formication.EXTREME RESTLESSNESS; must keep in constant motion even though walking aggravates. Hysterical epilepsy. Intense sexual excitement. Mind Sudden alteration of mood. Foxy. Destructive impulses; MORAL RELAXATION. Must constantly busy herself or walk. SENSITIVE TO MUSIC. Averse to company, but wants some one present. […]
The symptomatology of Tabacum is exceedingly well marked. The nausea, giddiness, death-like pallor, vomiting, icy coldness, and sweat, with the intermittent pulse, are all most characteristic. Has marked antiseptic qualities, antidotal to cholera germs. Complete prostration of the entire muscular system. Collapse. Gastralgia, enteralgia,SEASICKNESS, cholera infantum; cold, but WANTS ABDOMEN UNCOVERED. Vigorous peristaltic activity, diarrhoea. Produces […]
Syzygium jambolanum
Has an immediate effect of increasing the blood sugar, glycosuria results. A most useful remedy in diabetes mellitus. NO OTHER REMEDY CAUSES IN SO MARKED DEGREE THE DIMINUTION AND DISAPPEARANCE OF SUGAR IN THE URINE. PRICKLY HEAT IN UPPER PART OF THE BODY; small red pimples itch violently. Great thirst, weakness, emaciation. Very large amount of […]
Utter prostration and debility in the morning. Shifting rheumatic pains. Chronic eruptions and rheumatism.Ichthyosis. Syphilitic affections. Pains from darkness to daylight; decrease and increase gradually. Hereditary tendency to alcoholism. ULCERATION OF mouth, nose, genitals, skin. SUCCESSION OF ABSCESSES. MIND Loss of memory; remembers everything previous to his illness. Apathetic; FEELS AS IF GOING INSANE OR BEING PARALYZED. FEARS THE […]
The root contains a crystalline solid, that stimulates the growth of epithelium on ulcerated surfaces. It may be administered internally in the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers. Also in gastralgia, and externally in pruritus ani. Injuries to sinews, tendons and the periosteum. Acts on joints generally. Neuralgia of knee. Of great use in wounds […]
Sulphuricum acidum
The “debility” common to acids shows itself here, especially in the digestive tract, giving a very relaxed feeling in the stomach, with craving for stimulants. TREMOR AND WEAKNESS; everything must be done in a hurry. HOT FLUSHES, followed by perspiration, with trembling. Tendency to gangrene following mechanical injuries. Writer’s cramp. Lead poisoning. Gastralgia and hypochlorrhydria. Purpura haemorrhagia. […]
Sulphur iodatum
Obstinate skin affections, notably in BARBER’S ITCH and ACNE. Weeping eczema.Throat.Uvula and tonsils enlarged and reddened. Swollen. Tongue thick. Parotid hypertrophied. SKIN Itching on ears, nose, and in urethra. Papular eruption on face. Cold-sores on lips. Boils on neck. Barber’s itch. ACNE. Lichen planus. Arms covered with itching rash. Hair feels as if erect.