Loquacity and delirium from eating acid fruits. Depression of spirits.
Vertigo, with tendency to fall forward. Headache, dull pressure, worse morning, with heated face and bitter taste; ALTERNATING WITH DIARRHEA. ROLLING OF HEAD FROM SIDE TO SIDE, with moaning and vomiting and eyelids half closed. Child perspires on head during sleep.
Grinding the teeth at night; INTENSE DESIRE TO PRESS THE GUMS TOGETHER. (PHYTOL.) Difficult dentition. TONGUE BROAD, LARGE, MOIST. Foul, putrid taste. BURNING SENSATION OF TONGUE.
Hot, sour belching; nausea and vomiting. Thirst for large quantities of cold water. (BRY.) Vomiting of hot, frothy mucus. Heartburn; gagging or empty retching. Vomiting of milk.
Distended; heat and emptiness. SENSATION OF WEAKNESS OR SINKING. Can lie comfortably only on stomach. Liver region painful, BETTER RUBBING PART. Rumbling and shifting of flatus in ascending colon.
Cholera infantum and morbus. Diarrhoea of long standing; EARLY IN MORNING; DURING TEETHING, WITH HOT, GLOWING CHEEKS while being bathed or washed; in hot weather after acid fruits. Morning, painless diarrhoea when not due to venous stasis or intestinal ulceration. Green, watery, FETID, PROFUSE, gushing. PROLAPSE OF RECTUM before or with stool. Constipation; clay-colored, hard, dry, difficult. Constipation alternating with diarrhoea. (ANT. CRUD.) Internal and external piles.
Pain in uterus and RIGHT OVARY, WITH SHIFTING NOISES ALONG ASCENDING COLON. Suppressed menses, with pelvic tenesmus. PROLAPSED UTERI, especially after parturition. Haemorrhoids, with prolapsus ani during pregnancy. Prolapsus from overlifting or straining; during pregnancy.
Pain between shoulders, under right scapula, in loins and lumbar region. Pain in right inguinal region; shoots down inner thigh to knees. Paralytic weakness on left side.
Chill at 7 a. m., with pain in hypochondria, and knees, ankles, wrists. GREAT LOQUACITY during fever. Profuse sweat.