Induces a condition of stasis, congestion, and sluggishness of all functions. Morning aggravation.
Sharp, SHIFTING, rheumatic pains in all parts very pronounced. RHEUMATISM; darting pains in almost every part; stiffness of joints; parts sore to touch; worse, motion.CHRONIC RHEUMATISM. SHIFTING PAINS. (Puls.; KALI SULPH.) Psoriasis. Enlarged and inflamed gouty finger joints.


General irritability. Lassitude, indisposition to work. Smarting and burning in eyes, feel protruded. Dull, frontal headache; worse in morning and left side with sleepiness. Neck muscles stiff and sore. Eyes feel protruded.


LIVER ENGORGED, SWOLLEN, WITH STITCHING PAIN AND SENSITIVE TO PRESSURE. Clay-colored stools. Hepatic torpor. Constipation or alternating constipation and diarrhoea.