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Acute and Chronic Renal Failure

Acute and Chronic Renal Failure

Kidney Failure is the inability of the Kidneys to adequately
filter metabolic waste products from the blood.

Kidney Failure has many types and possible causes. One is Acute Renal Failure that leads to a rapid (days to weeks) decline in the kidneys’ ability to filter metabolic waste products from the blood.
Acute Renal/Kidney Failure can result from any condition that decreases the blood supply to the kidneys, any disease or toxic substances (also called toxins) affecting the kidneys themselves, or any condition that obstructs urine flow anywhere along the urinary tract.

Another possible type of Kidney Failure is Chronic Kidney Disease also known as Chronic Kidney Failure; a form of Kidney disorder where Renal function is progressively lost over a long period. In addition to the kidneys being unable to filter metabolic waste products (such as creatinine and urea nitrogen) from the blood, the kidneys are less able to control the amount and distribution of water in the body (fluid balance) and the levels of electrolytes (sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphate) and acid in the blood.

When Kidney Failure has lasted for some time, Blood Pressure often rises. The Kidneys lose their ability to produce sufficient amounts of a hormone (erythropoietin) that stimulates the formation of new Red Blood Cells, resulting in a low Red Blood Cell count (Anemia). The kidneys also lose their ability to produce sufficient calcitriol (the active form of vitamin D), which is vital to bone health. In children, kidney failure affects the growth of bones. In both children and adults, kidney failure can lead to weaker and abnormal bones.

Here are some of the conditions that increase the risk of Kidney Failure:

• Diabetes Mellitus; this happens when your blood sugar is too high, causing damage to many organs in your body, including the kidneys and heart, as well as blood vessels, nerves and eyes.

• Hypertension (High Blood Pressure); occurs when the pressure of your blood against the walls of your blood vessels increases. If uncontrolled, or poorly controlled, high blood pressure can be a leading cause of heart attacks, strokes and chronic kidney disease. Also, chronic kidney disease can cause high blood pressure.

• Glomerulonephritis, a group of diseases that cause inflammation and damage to the kidney’s filtering units. These disorders are the third most common type of kidney disease.

• Inherited diseases, such as polycystic kidney disease, which causes large cysts to form in the kidneys and damage the surrounding tissue.

• Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
An autoimmune disease that affects the kidneys along with other body parts such as the joints, skin, and brain among others.

• Renal Artery Stenosis; a reduction in the blood flow to the kidney due to narrowing (stenosis) of the passage of the renal artery, which supplies blood to the kidneys.

• Malformations that occur as a baby develops in its mother’s womb. For example, a narrowing may occur that prevents normal outflow of urine and causes urine to flow back up to the Kidney. This causes infections and may damage the kidneys.

• High Cholesterol; high cholesterol level means deposition of fatty substances in the blood vessels. This may eventually lead to blockage of the blood vessels in the kidneys, which affects the kidneys’ filtration function.

• Kidney Infections; viral, bacterial or parasitic infections can destroy the kidney cells over a period of time.

• Side effects of medications;
Certain medications such as painkillers (NSAIDs) and drugs used for cancer treatment may also result in Kidney damage.

• Blockage in the urinary outflow; blockage in the urinary tract may be due to frequent kidney stones, tumors or an enlargement of the prostate gland in men.

• Repeated Urinary infections.

What are the symptoms of Kidney Failure

You may notice one or more of the following symptoms if your kidneys are beginning to fail:

• Fatigue

• Not feeling hungry

• Nausea

• Trouble sleeping

• Vomiting

• Decreased ability to concentrate on mental tasks

• Breathlessness –shortness of breath – if lung functions are involves

• There could be polyuria (excessive production of urine) or oliguria (very little urine production, or anuria (no urine production)

• Persistent High Blood Pressure

• Anemia

• Swollen feet and ankle

• Twitching of muscles and cramps

• Sexual dysfunction in male; decrease sex drive, erectile dysfunction

• In female, painful menstruation and decrease in sexual desire

• White crystals deposits under skin (Uremic-Frost)

• Overall itchiness (pruritus)

• Have muscle cramping at night

• Need to urinate more often, especially at night.

End – Stage symptoms of Kidney failure could be;

• Stupor, dullness, drowsiness

• Fits or convulsions

These are some of Medical Tests and Investigations for Acute & Chronic Kidney Failure:

• Complete Blood Count

• Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate

• Serum Creatinine Level


• Blood Urea Nitrogen

• Electrolyte – Calcium

• Urine Routine

• Blood Sugar Levels

• Lipid profile

• Electrocardiogram (ECG)

• Intravenous Pyleography (IVP)

• Renal Ultrasound

• Renal Imaging (CT-Scan)

How can I prevent Kidney Failure?

  1. Diabetes and High Blood Pressure are the most common causes of Kidney Diseases or Failure. If you have diabetes or high blood pressure, working with your doctor or health care giver to keep your blood sugar and blood pressure under control is the best way to prevent Kidney Diseases.
    Also living a healthy lifestyle can help prevent diabetes, high blood pressure and kidney disease, or help keep them under control.
  2. Exercise at least 30 minutes on most days of the week.
  3. Have regular check-ups with your doctor.
  4. Do not smoke or use tobacco.
  5. Limit alcohol.
  6. Lower the amount of sodium you eat each day by avoiding products with added salt, including many convenience foods, such as frozen dinners, canned soups and fast foods. Other foods with added salt include salty snack foods, canned vegetables, and processed meats and cheeses.
  7. Choose lower potassium foods. High-potassium foods include bananas, oranges, potatoes, spinach and tomatoes. Examples of low-potassium foods include apples, cabbage, carrots, green beans, grapes and blueberries. Be aware that many salt substitutes contain potassium, so you should avoid them if you have kidney failure.
  8. Limit the amount of protein you eat. Your dietitian will estimate the appropriate number of grams of protein you should eat each day and make recommendations based on that amount. High-protein foods include lean meats, eggs, milk, cheese and beans. Low-protein foods include vegetables, fruits, breads and cereals.
  9. Avoid drinking coconut water; Coconut water contains significant levels of potassium. A large intake of potassium in kidney patients can lead to life-threatening disease called Hyperkalemia (too much potassium in the blood).
  10. Bring your Cholesterol level within the normal range.
  11. Iron supplementations and Erythropoietin supplements to treat Anemia.
  12. Calcium and Vit-D supplements to protect bones.

Medical Treatment of Renal Failure

There are three procedures in modern medical medicine for treating Kidney Diseases, namely;

  1. Employing symptomatic medicines with some specific medicines to control the causative diseases such as Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension, etc and diuretics to reduce the oedematic conditions.
  2. Dialysis (Haemodialysis or Peritoneal dialysis depending on the doctors decision).
  3. Kidney Transplantation.

The above modern medical procedures are not Curative treatment for Kidney Failure but Palliative treatment; these procedures just try to keep a person alive by performing the crucial functions of the kidneys by dialysis or kidney transplantation.

In modern medical system, there is no cure for Kidney Failure, but in Homeopathy there is cure for Kidney Failure.
Homeopathy is an ideal and effective form of treatment of Kidney Failure. Homeopathy is natural and tries to correct all the underlying causes of the condition. General symptoms and constitutional indications are considered in homeopathy before choosing the best medicine. Homeopathic treatment stimulates someone’s immune system to perform normal functions – this way damaged kidneys start functioning normally (depending upon the stage of the disease).

The Modern Medical System Versus Farm Herbal Pro Homeopathic Protocol in the treatment of Kidney Failure

  1. Duration of Treatment: 
    The modern medical system of treating Kidney Failure offers its patients lifelong treatment through the use of their procedures.
    Our Homeopathic remedies are short term basis, may be stopped in 2 to 5 years depending on the severity and underlying cause of the disease.
  2. Repair of damaged Kidney;
    Damaged Kidneys cannot be repaired in modern medical system of treating Kidneys Failure. Modern medicine try to facilitate the removal of body waste products to pass out through the process of dialysis or through transplanted kidney and simultaneously by doing forced diuresis with the diuretic medicines that eventually lead to more damage to the remaining nephrons (renal cells).

Homeopathy does not employ the use of dialysis or new Kidney Transplant but it can revive the damaged organ as it has been proved at many times in Farm Herbal Pro.
Homeopathic treatment stimulates someone’s immune system to perform normal functions and start healing itself.

  1. Dialysis verses Homeopathy remedies;
    There is no curative procedure for Kidney Failure in modern medical system of treatment. Kidney Transplantation and Dialysis do not cure Renal Failure, but instead keeps a person alive for few months to years by performing the crucial functions of the kidneys. The process of dialysis cannot be stopped once a patient starts it. As the time passes this procedure has to be done more frequently. Even doctors cannot imagine that it can be slowed down so they compel their patient to come for dialysis more frequently. As long as the patient is performing dialysis, he or she can live few months to years (just to live, not in a completely healthy condition) but if stopped, there is no chance of survival.

But homeopathy stimulates someone’s immune system to perform normal functions, in this way damaged kidneys and other organ’s functions start healing and improving. Patient’s kidneys will start improving as soon as he starts taking homeopathic treatment. It helps the patient to withdraw from dialysis. That’s why an homeopath advises her patient to increase gap in the subsequent dialysis.

  1. Treatment cost factor;
    In modern medical system, patient has to spend lots of money heavily on medicines and other expenses covering hospital’s fee and investigations.

Homeopathic treatment cost depends on the severity of disease and knowledge and experience of the homeopath, even the costliest homeopath’s treatment remains quite economical than modern medical system expenses.

  1. Kidney Transplant complication: 
    In case of Kidney transplanted patients, Kidney transplant complications may arise like Diabetes Mellitus (uncontrolled blood sugar level) and Hypertension (uncontrolled blood pressure level).

But Homeopathic remedies for Kidney Failure, do not only repairs the damaged kidneys but simultaneously help in maintaining the blood sugar level and blood pressure within the normal range.

  1. Treatment concept: 
    In modern medical system of treatment, damage to the kidney is a continuous process, it can be slowed down up to a certain limit but cannot be stopped.

Farm Herbal Pro Homeopathic Treatment for Kidney Failure can stop further damage of the diseased organ without delay and further treatment may revive the damaged tissue.

  1. Scope of Treatment in Polycystic Kidney: 
    In the similar way, modern medical system of treatment can not treat (correct) the cysts or tumors of kidneys.

Our Homeopathic remedies can treat tumors as well as Polycystic Kidney Disease.

  1. Symptomatic verses Curative treatment: 
    Doctors and patient always remain worried about the biochemical profile (Sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, etc.) otherwise some complications may likely occur. Even while taking care of all the measures, patient starts complaining of symptoms related to electrolyte imbalance almost every day.

Using Farm Herbal Pro Homeopathic Treatment for Kidney Failure, patient’s immune system improves (you can feel it just within days), all organs’ functions will start improving simultaneously, biochemical profile also becomes normal naturally.

  1. In modern medical system a Kidney transplanted patient will continue to take immunosuppressant medications lifelong to avoid rejection of the new kidney(s). A patient should never stop taking the immunosuppressant no matter how well you feel even if you think your transplanted kidneys are working well.

While there is no need for such immunosuppressant in Homeopathic treatment.

Who are the Kidney Patients; who should take our Homeopathic Treatment?

  1. Healthy persons who have strong family history of Renal Failure should take our Homeopathic treatment to avoid the risk of Renal Failure.
  2. Diabetic Patients who are suffering from Hypertension also must take our Homeopathic treatment.
  3. Persons who are having symptoms of early Renal Failure of unknown etiology must start our Homeopathic treatment for Kìdney Failure.
  4. Patients suffering from recurrent Renal Stone formation or having stone lodged somewhere in the ureter must start our Homeopathic treatment.
  5. Kidney Patients of any stage should start our Homeopathic treatment as soon as possible to avoid passing into the complete Renal damage.
  6. Patients who are taking some urine forming medicines such as Lasix, Dytor etc. should start our Homeopathic treatment.
  7. Patients who are on dialysis can get rid off the frequent dialysis by taking Homeopathic treatment and enjoy good quality of life.
  8. Patients who are waiting for Renal Transplantation should start our Homeopathic treatment which can stop the urgent need of Kidney donor.

To wrap up the Homeopathic remedies for Kidney Failure, here is a list of several common Kidney Failure symptoms, which you may use as guides in selecting specific Homeopathic medicines in Kidney Failure;

~ This Homeopathic medicine is appropriate for individuals who do not have acute exacerbation of Chronic Kidney Failure. Individuals who benefit from this Homeopathic medicine show some of the following symptoms:
• Swelling in different parts of body
• Stinging pain in head, back, and limbs
• Skin eruptions with a rosy hue
Sensitivity to touch and heat intolerance
• Pain in kidneys (flank region)
• Kidney inflammation
• Lack of thirst
• Burning pain on urination 
• Scanty and dark coloured urine
• Frequent micturition (urination)
• Suppression of urine
• Shortness of breath
• High level of Albumin and Blood Corpuscles (cells) in Urine
• Drowsiness
• Condition worsens in heat, with touch, and in the afternoon.

~ This Homeopathic medicine is given to individuals experiencing the following symptoms:
• Insatiable thirst
• Dry, scaly, and itchy skin
• Swollen, pale, and sweaty face
• Scanty, involuntary urine, causing a burning sensation
• Dark and albuminous urine (protein in the urine)
• Presence of fibrin, pus, and blood in urine
• Abdominal weakness after urination
• Inflammation of kidneys
• Burning pain in back
• Extreme exhaustion even after slight exertion
• Extreme restlessness
• Shortness of breath or dyspnoea attacks
• Symptoms get worse after midnight and in wet weather conditions.

~ This Homeopathic remedy for Kidney Failure is ideal for patients who exhibit the following symptoms;
• Inflammation along with stinging pain in kidneys.
• Fluctuating redness and paleness of skin
Hot, swollen, and shiny face
• Extremely thirsty for cold water
• Burning and piercing pain extending from  kidneys to  bladder
• Scanty urine with tenesmus (sensation of incomplete defecation)
• Dark and turbid urine with presence of phosphates
• Incontinence (involuntary urination) with frequent and excessive urination
• Blood in urine
• Enlargement of Prostate
• Swollen glands in neck
• Condition worsens with touch, noise or after lying down.

~ This Homeopathic remedy is appropriate for patients showing gout symptoms accompanied by Chronic Renal Failure.
• Colour of the urine is the most important characteristic symptom for this remedy. It is well- suited for individuals with the following symptoms:
• Pungent odour and brown coloured acidic urine
• Blisters on face
• Involuntary urination
• Increased uric acid levels
• Inflammation of bladder
• Pain in kidneys.

~ This Homeopathic remedy is useful for patients exhibiting a frequent desire to urinate with pain in both kidneys. Intolerable and painful urge to urinate is one of the main symptoms this medicine is prescribed for. Other symptoms include:
• Burning and itching of skin
• Inflammation of kidneys
• Bloody urine that passes in drops
• Intense outburst of cutting and burning pain in the entire Renal (Kidney) region, as well as, before, during, and after urination
• Uncontrollable tenesmus
• Jelly-like urine
• Condition worsens from touch, during urination or by drinking cold water/coffee. 

~ This Homeopathic medicine is used as a remedy for Chronic Kidney Failure occurring due to heart disorders. It is suitable for individuals who exhibit the following symptoms:
• Pain in bladder
• Bladder feels distended
• Frequent urination with offensive odour and reduced urine output
• Dropsy and shortness of breath.

~ This Homeopathic medicine is considered the best remedy for individuals exhibiting albuminuria along with nephritis during pregnancy. It is indicated in the treatment of Chronic Kidney Failure with the following symptoms:
• Intermittent pain in face
• Intense urethral burning
• Scanty, hot, albuminous, and bloody urine with green discharge
• Bladder tenesmus
• Sweating after urination
• Excessive pain in urethra that extends to the bladder
• Condition worsens at night. 

~ This Homeopathic medicine suits individuals who suffer from abdominal distension along with Kidney problems. Individuals who respond to this remedy display symptoms such as:
• Drowsiness and swelling all over the body
Bladder irritation, causing severe pain and intense urge to urinate (strangury)
• Blood in urine
• Less urine content with an odour of violets
• Continuous tenesmus
• Urethritis 
• Inflamed kidneys
• Burning back pain in the kidney region. 

A specific Homeopathic remedy is chosen on the basis of symptoms, medical history, and health of the patient. Homeopathy can treat CKD by stimulating the immune system, which helps the body to repair the damaged kidneys or other organs.
Homeopathic medicines are very efficient for the  treatment of Kidney Failure. There are Homeopathic cures for all types of Kidney Diseases.

For more information please call Oluwafunmise on 08028366901 or 08183554665


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