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Back Pain

Back Pain

Back pain also known as backache, is pain felt in the back. Back pain can be divided into neck pain (cervical), middle back pain (thoracic), lower back pain (lumbar) or coccydynia (tailbone or sacral pain) based on the segment affected.

The lumbar area is the most common area affected. Episodes of back pain may be acute, sub-acute, or chronic depending on the duration.

The pain may be characterized as a dull ache, shooting or piercing pain, or a burning sensation. Discomfort can radiate into the arms and hands as well as the buttocks, legs, and feet, and may include numbness, or weakness in the legs and arms.

Back pain is not a disorder. It’s a symptom of several different types of medical problems.

Conditions commonly linked to back pain include:

• Muscle or ligament strain. Repeated heavy lifting or a sudden awkward movement can strain back muscles and spinal ligaments. If you’re in poor physical condition, constant strain on your back can cause painful muscle spasms.

• Kidney problems: Kidney stones or kidney infection can cause back pain.

• Ruptured disks: Each vertebra in the spine is cushioned by disks. If the disk ruptures there will be more pressure on a nerve, resulting in back pain.

• Bulging disks: In much the same way as ruptured disks, a bulging disk can result in more pressure on a nerve.

• Sciatica: A sharp and shooting pain travels through the buttock and down the back of the leg, caused by a bulging or herniated disk pressing on a nerve.

• Arthritis: Osteoarthritis can cause problems with the joints in the hips, lower back, and other places. In some cases, the space around the spinal cord narrows. This is known as spinal stenosis.

• Abnormal curvature of the spine: If the spine curves in an unusual way, back pain can result. An example is scoliosis, in which the spine curves to the side.

• Osteoporosis: Bones, including the vertebrae of the spine, become brittle and porous, making compression fractures more likely.

• It can also be due to a problem with nearby organs, such as the kidneys.

• Ankylosing spondylitis : This is a type of arthritis that affects your joints and ligaments along the spine.

• Endometriosis, a buildup of uterine tissue outside the uterus).

• Osteomyelitis or discitis, infections in the bones and discs of the spine.

• Accidents and Injuries: Car accidents, falls, muscle sprains, strains, and   fractures are also causes of back pain. Injuries can lead to some of the physical problems, but some can cause pain all on their own.

• Lifestyle Triggers: Back pain can be brought on by things you do or don’t do in your day-to-day life, like slouching at your desk, lifting heavy objects, being overweight, not exercising, smoking, wearing high heels etc.

Signs and symptoms of back pain:

A typical symptom of backache is usually felt in the lower back. This may manifest itself from the spine, muscle, nerve, or other structures in the back. Sometimes, the pain may be:

• Muscle ache.

• Shooting or stabbing pain.

• Pain that radiates down your leg.

• Pain that worsens with bending, lifting, standing or walking.

• Pain that improves with reclining.

Homeopathy: The Safe, Effective Natural Medicine For Backache.

Homeopathy medicines for backache is best prescribed when the individual with backache is able to describe the exact location, the precise nature of the pain, sensation, if any, pattern or distribution of the pain, or what makes it better or worse.

The more details one gives, or explains, the easier it will be for the homeopath to finding out the most suitable homeopathic medicine that accurately ‘fits’ the person’s unique back pain symptom-picture.

There are other factors too that the individual should report for better homeopathic treatment outcomes, such as the first time the backache began, changes in body temperature etc; whether they ‘feel’ cold, or warm, including their thirst, sleep, psychological and emotional patterns.

It would be useful, no less, for the individual to communicate what makes the back pain worse, rather than better, since most homeopathic medicines for back pain have it in their action profile more ‘worse’ than ‘better’ symptoms.

When an homeopath chooses a remedy that suitably matches with one’s distinctive symptoms of backache, whether acute (backache with sudden onset)or chronic (long-standing backache), it stimulates the body’s healing processes, with good, fast and deep effect.

Here are some homeopathic medicines that are effective in the treatment of back pain:

• Aesculus: Pain in the very low back (the sacral or sacroiliac areas) that feels worse when standing up from a sitting position, and worse from stooping, may be eased with this remedy. Aesculus is especially indicated for people with low back pain who also have a tendency toward venous congestion and hemorrhoids.

• Arnica montana: This remedy relieves lower back aches and stiffness from overexertion or minor trauma.

• Bryonia: This remedy is indicated when back pain is worse from even the slightest motion. Changing position, coughing, turning, or walking may bring on sharp, excruciating pain. This remedy can be helpful for back pain after injury and backaches during illness.

• Calcarea carbonica: This is often useful for low back pain and muscle weakness, especially in a person who is chilly, flabby or overweight, and easily tired by exertion. Chronic low back pain and muscle weakness may lead to inflammation and soreness that are aggravated by dampness and cold.

• Calcarea phosphorica: Stiffness and soreness of the spinal muscles and joints, especially in the neck and upper back, may be relieved by this remedy. The person feels worse from drafts and cold, as well as from exertion. Aching in the bones and feelings of weariness and dissatisfaction are often seen in people who need this remedy.

• Natrum muriaticum: Back pain that improves from lying on something hard or pressing a hard object (such as a block or book) against the painful area suggests a need for this remedy. The person often seems reserved or formal, but has strong emotions that are kept from others. Back pain from suppressed emotions, especially hurt or anger, may respond to Natrum muriaticum.

• Nux vomica: This remedy is indicated for muscle cramps or constricting pains in the back. Discomfort is made worse by cold and relieved by warmth. Pain usually is worse night, and the person may have to sit up in bed to turn over. Backache is also worse during constipation, and the pain is aggravated when the person feels the urge to move the bowels.

• Rhus toxicodendron: This remedy can be useful for pain in the neck and shoulders as well as the lower back, when the pain is worse on initial movement and improves with continued motion. Even though in pain, the person finds it hard to lie down or stay still for very long, and often restlessly paces about. Aching and stiffness are aggravated in cold damp weather and relieved by warm applications, baths or showers, and massage.

• Sulphur: This remedy is often indicated when a person with back pain has a slouching posture. The back is weak and the person feels much worse from standing up for any length of time. Pain is also worse from stooping. Warmth may aggravate the pain and inflammation.

• Cimicifuga: Severe aching and stiffness in the upper back and neck, as well as the lower back with pains that extend down the thighs or across the hips may be eased with this remedy. It is often helpful for back pain during menstrual periods, with cramping, heaviness, and soreness. A person who needs this remedy typically is talkative and energetic, becoming agitated or depressed when ill.

• Dulcamara: If back pain sets in during cold damp weather, along with catching a cold, or after getting wet and chilled, this remedy may be indicated. Stiffness and chills can be felt in the back, and pain is usually worse from stooping.

• Ignatia: Back pains related to emotional upsets—especially grief—will often respond to this remedy. The muscles of the lower back may spasm, and twitches, drawing pains, and cramps often occur in other areas.

• Kali carbonicum is an homeopathic medicine for lower back pain with the feeling that the knees are going to “give in.”

• Hypericum perforatum: This honeopathic remedy relieves lower back pain with sharp throbbing pain.

• Ruta graveolens: This is used to relieve lower back pain caused or worsened by staying immobile.

Bottom line: Homeopathy is known to effect magical recovery in back pain cases whether resulting from disc complaint, arthritis, injuries or muscle strain. It offers a wide range of highly effective remedies prescribed after detailed analysis and evaluation of symptoms. They are natural and therefore, safe for consumption by all age groups.

For your homeopathic medicines and treatment of back pain and other health challenges, kindly contact the homeopath Oluwafunmise on 08028366901 or 08183554665.


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