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Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (Prostate Enlargement)

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (Prostate Enlargement)

Enlarged Prostate or Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), or Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy, is an enlargement of the prostate gland, a walnut-sized gland that forms part of the male reproductive system. The prostate gland produces the fluid that carries sperm during ejaculation. This prostatic secretion protects and nourishes the sperm (produced by the testicles) and helps to prevent the urethra from becoming infected. It thus plays an important part in the male reproductive system.

The degree to which the prostate enlarges varies from man to man as they age, which happens to almost all men as they get older. The enlarging prostate starts to press on the urethra (the tube that empties urine from the bladder) and slowly obstruct it and causes difficulty with urination.

BPH can present with any of the following symptoms, all of which gradually increase if nothing is done about it:

• Slow or poor flow of urine.

• Difficulty in getting started when urinating (hesitancy);

• Intermittent flow or dribbling.

• Straining to urinate.

• Strong and sudden urge to urinate.

• Urinary retention or incomplete emptying of the bladder or feeling that the bladder never completely empties.

• Desire to urinate frequently within a space of short time.

• Complete inability to urinate.

• lncontinence.

• Pain with urination or bloody urine (this may indicate an infection).

• Waking at night frequently to pass urine (nocturia);

• Pain when passing urine or blood in the urine etc.

BPH is the most common disorder of the prostate gland and the most common diagnosis by urologists for males between the ages of 45 and 74. More than half of men in their sixties and as many as 90 percent in their seventies and eighties have some symptoms of BPH.

Although research has yet to pinpoint a specific cause for BPH, theories focus on hormones and related substances like dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a testosterone derivative in the prostate that may encourage the growth of cells.

Early diagnosis of BPH is important because if left untreated it can lead to urinary tract infections, bladder or kidney damage, bladder stones and incontinence. 

Your doctor may evaluate your condition by asking you questions about the severity and type of symptoms you have and how much of an impact they have on your daily routine. Other tests such as urine flow study, digital rectal exam, prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test, cystoscopy, ultrasound or prostate MRI may be used to confirm the diagnosis. Treatment for BPH may depend on the severity of the symptoms.

Homeopathic Treatment Of Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH).

Orthodox treatment of this condition is with drugs in milder cases and surgery in more severe cases. The main drug used is finasteride, which can sometimes slow down the enlargement of the prostate. There are two types of surgical operations for BPH: removal of the prostate or boring a hole in it to ease the flow of urine, an operation known as a transurethral resection or TUR. The drugs can of course have side effects and the surgery almost always has a downside. Removal of the prostate prevents normal ejaculation and can result in impotence, especially in older men. TUR usually does not affect potency but often results in retrograde ejaculation (ejaculation into the bladder instead of out through the penis), which obviously has an effect on a man’s sex life.

However, homeopathy has a big role to play in the treatment of prostatic enlargement.
Homeopathic medicines for prostate enlargement can potentially save a person from many adverse effects of drugs that are used for BPH or surgical intervention.

Here are some primary homeopathic medicines which may be used for enlarged prostate treatment, along with the symptoms when they are used.

• Sabal Serrulata is one of the top grade medicines for benign prostate hyperplasia (BHP). There are many symptoms that guide the use of Sabal Serrulata. The first among them is difficulty and pain once you start urinating. The person also experiences a frequent desire to pass urine at night. Dribbling urine is another problem. Aching pain in the prostate that extends to the abdomen is another symptom indication for prescription of Sabal Serrulata. Retention of urine from prostate enlargement can also be treated well with medicine Sabal Serrulata.

• Conium Maculatum is another extremely effective medicine for benign prostate hyperplasia. A major indication for use of Conium Maculatum is interrupted urine flow from enlarged prostate. Here the urine starts and stops several times before complete voiding.

• Cantharis Vesicatoria and Sarsaparilla Officinalis are top rated medicines for burning pain while passing urine in BPH. Cantharis Vesicatoria is prescribed if the burning in urethra is felt before, during or after passing urine. There is also a constant desire to pass urine in such cases.

• Lycopodium is indicated for frequent urination at night from benign prostate hyperplasia. Besides frequent urination at night due to enlarged prostate, another guiding feature for use of Lycopodium is the need to wait to start urinating. In short, a person who needs Lycopodium passes scanty urine during the daytime and suffers profuse urination at night.

• Baryta Carb is known to effectively treat the problem of dribbling after urination in benign prostate hyperplasia cases. Another indication for using Baryta Carb in BPH is sudden urge to urinate, with the inability to retain urine. The urine may be scanty. Burning while passing urine may also be observed.

• Chimaphila Umbellata is helpful where a person needs to strain hard to start passing urine. Urine is scanty and may also be offensive. Burning or scalding while passing urine may also be present. In extreme cases, the urine is passed with straining with the body inclined forwards.

• Thuja is indicated when there is case of marked urgency to urinate in benign prostate hyperplasia. Other indications may be weak or small urine stream, frequent urge to pass urine, burning or cutting pain while urinating may be observed. Thuja also effectively treats involuntary urination at night.

If you are looking for a natural and holistic way to lower your PSA level, Stop frequent urination, stop urine retention, remove blood in the Urine, stop frequent trips to the toilet at night, stop the pains while Urinating, homeopathy is the the answer.
However, treatment and management of an enlarged prostate should always be in the hands of a qualified homeopath.
This is a serious and potentially lethal disease and needs to be treated with utmost care.

For your homeopathic medicines and treatment of an enlarged prostate, kindly contact the homeopath Oluwafunmise on 08028366901 or 08183554665.


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