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Fatty Liver Diseases

Fatty Liver Diseases

The body stores fat for energy and insulation in many areas, including the liver. If the fat content in the liver is too high, it can signify fatty liver disease. Diet changes are the first-line of treatment for this condition.
Depending on the type of fatty liver disease a person has, a dietitian can help create a customized diet plan that is right for their tastes, symptoms and health status.

Some specific herbs & foods that may be especially helpful for people with fatty liver disease include: garlic, dandelion, milk thistle, foods that are high in omega-3 fatty acids, broccoli, walnut etc. Foods and drinks to avoid are sugar, alcohol, fried & salty foods, saturated fats (meat, pork), processed and refined grains present in white bread, white pasta and white rice.
Lifestyle changes to make for fatty liver disease are simply to be physically active and avoid being obese or overweight.

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