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Glaucoma, Cataracts and other Eye Diseases

Glaucoma, Cataracts and other Eye Diseases

The development of glaucoma is brought about by damage to the optic nerve, sometimes as a result of increased pressure in the clear fluid that circulates in the inside of the eye between the cornea and the lens.
Glaucoma can be difficult to detect without a regular eye exam until a significant amount of vision is lost. The reason it is so dangerous is that most people with glaucoma have no symptoms. Many feel no pain, and most have 20/20 visual acuity, although possibly only straight-ahead vision. But left untreated, glaucoma can slowly steal your peripheral vision until you think you are peering through a tunnel (at best) or until you go blind (at worst). Most frightening, 70% of the vision lost to glaucoma occurs before diagnosis.

Homeopathy can be extremely helpful in the treatment of glaucoma.
The homeopathic approach to treating glaucoma is much different from the conventional medical approach of using eye drops and surgery. In fact, the standard medical method of lowering eye pressure by blocking aqueous production is much like treating a person with high blood pressure by giving him medication to stop the production of blood. This does not make sense!
The biggest contributor to eye disease, we believe, is the pharmaceutical industry. The largest contributing cause to the increase of all eye disease is suppression produced by modern medicines.
Here are some examples of suppression:

  • Antibiotics for conjunctivitis
  • Treatment of chronic blepharitis
  • Steroid eye drops
  • Cataract surgery
  • Laser surgery and injections for retinal disease

In modern medicines (conventional medical system), glaucoma medications are meant to suppress the natural production of aqueous humor, which is essential in transporting oxygen and nutrients to the eye. This causes the disease to be pushed deeper in the body and result in a more serious eye problem or adverse side effects.

• A cataract appears as an opaque spot on the lens of the eye that obstructs vision. It may seem as though you are looking through a hazy cloud. The density of the cataract typically increases over time so the effect on your vision will vary depending the cataract density and the location of the cataract on the lens. Cataracts tend to worsen over time and are the major cause of blindness.
Many people first experience a general blurriness of vision requiring more light to read by, and/or more difficulty reading street signs. Depth perception can often be affected resulting in an added risk of falling for the elderly.

Homeopathy is the safest and natural mode of treatment for cataract. In the early stage, when the cataract starts to develop, these medicines are known to retard clouding of the lens. They are equally helpful in restoring blurred vision. Thus, medicines help avoid surgery and its side effects such as infection, bleeding, and retinal detachment. Homeopathic medicines for cataract are, therefore, beneficial for the opacity of the lens and stops further progression of the disease.

• The range of eye conditions (diseases) that are treated by homoeopathy and herbal are so wide that it would be impossible to condense it in one paper.
Homeopathy and herbal can be extremely helpful in the treatment of eye diseases or disorders.
Our goal has been in preventing eye diseases and maintaining healthy vision. We protect and preserve healthy vision by guiding our clients along the natural care products with strategies and recommendations based on peer review research and professional and patient experiences.
We carefully select the products recommended on our website based on review research studies and clinical experience. The homeopathic medicines and herbal supplements formulas we offer are derived from wild-crafted or organic herbs that are completely free of chemicals, expedients and binders. We feature a range of products sensitive to special dietary needs including many gluten-free, dairy-free and vegetarian products.

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One Response

  1. I have been placed on eye drops since 2004 and I am told there is no cure for glaucoma. Are you saying you can cure the disease?

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