Syzygium jambolanum

Has an immediate effect of increasing the blood sugar, glycosuria results. A most useful remedy in diabetes mellitus. NO OTHER REMEDY CAUSES IN SO MARKED DEGREE THE DIMINUTION AND DISAPPEARANCE OF SUGAR IN THE URINE. PRICKLY HEAT IN UPPER PART OF THE BODY; small red pimples itch violently. Great thirst, weakness, emaciation. Very large amount of […]


Utter prostration and debility in the morning. Shifting rheumatic pains. Chronic eruptions and rheumatism.Ichthyosis. Syphilitic affections. Pains from darkness to daylight; decrease and increase gradually. Hereditary tendency to alcoholism. ULCERATION OF mouth, nose, genitals, skin. SUCCESSION OF ABSCESSES. MIND Loss of memory; remembers everything previous to his illness. Apathetic; FEELS AS IF GOING INSANE OR BEING PARALYZED. FEARS THE […]


The root contains a crystalline solid, that stimulates the growth of epithelium on ulcerated surfaces. It may be administered internally in the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers. Also in gastralgia, and externally in pruritus ani. Injuries to sinews, tendons and the periosteum. Acts on joints generally. Neuralgia of knee. Of great use in wounds […]

Sulphuricum acidum

The “debility” common to acids shows itself here, especially in the digestive tract, giving a very relaxed feeling in the stomach, with craving for stimulants. TREMOR AND WEAKNESS; everything must be done in a hurry. HOT FLUSHES, followed by perspiration, with trembling. Tendency to gangrene following mechanical injuries. Writer’s cramp. Lead poisoning. Gastralgia and hypochlorrhydria. Purpura haemorrhagia. […]

Sulphur iodatum

Obstinate skin affections, notably in BARBER’S ITCH and ACNE. Weeping eczema.Throat.Uvula and tonsils enlarged and reddened. Swollen. Tongue thick. Parotid hypertrophied. SKIN Itching on ears, nose, and in urethra. Papular eruption on face. Cold-sores on lips. Boils on neck. Barber’s itch. ACNE. Lichen planus. Arms covered with itching rash. Hair feels as if erect.


This is the great Hahnemannian anti-psoric. Its action is centrifugal-from within outward-having an elective affinity for the skin, where it produces heat and BURNING, with itching; made worse by heat of bed. Inertia and relaxation of fiber; hence feebleness of tone characterizes its symptoms. EBULLITIONS OF HEAT, DISLIKE OF WATER, DRY AND HARD HAIR AND SKIN, RED ORIFICES, […]


The entire force of this drug seems to be expended on the brain, though the skin and throat show some disturbance. Suppressed secretions and excretions. Sensation as if limbs were separated from body. Delirium tremens. Absence of pain and muscular mobility especially of muscles of expression and of locomotion. Gyratory and graceful motions. Parkinsonism. MIND […]

Stellaria media

Induces a condition of stasis, congestion, and sluggishness of all functions. Morning aggravation.Sharp, SHIFTING, rheumatic pains in all parts very pronounced. RHEUMATISM; darting pains in almost every part; stiffness of joints; parts sore to touch; worse, motion.CHRONIC RHEUMATISM. SHIFTING PAINS. (Puls.; KALI SULPH.) Psoriasis. Enlarged and inflamed gouty finger joints. HEAD General irritability. Lassitude, indisposition to work. Smarting and […]


Nervous affections with marked irritability, diseases of the genito-urinary tract and skin, most frequently give symptoms calling for this drug. Acts on teeth and alveolar periosteum. Ill effects of anger and insults. SEXUAL SINS AND EXCESSES. VERY SENSITIVE. Lacerated tissues. Pain and nervousness after extraction of teeth. Sphincters lacerated or stretched. MIND Impetuous, VIOLENT OUTBURSTS OF PASSION, […]

Stannum metallicum

Chief action is centered upon the nervous system and respiratory organs. Debility is very marked when Stannum is the remedy, especially the debility of chronic bronchial and pulmonary conditions, characterized by profuse muco-purulent discharges upon tuberculosis basis. TALKING CAUSES A VERY WEAK FEELING IN THE THROAT AND CHEST. PAINS THAT COME AND GO GRADUALLY, call unmistakably for Stannum. […]